Micro Economics & Applications – I

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The Micro Economics & Applications– I Course for BA (Hons) Business Economics (BBE) Semester I, Delhi University has been taught by Mr. Dheeraj Suri. The Video Lectures are based upon the books prescribed by the University of Delhi. The Duration of Video Lectures is approximately 50 Hours.

Course Fee : Rs. 7000

Access of Video Lectures is provided on one device, Windows Computer or Android Phone, till end of Semester I Exams.

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  • Complete Study Material (PDF Notes) which includes Concepts, Previous Year Questions, Numerical Questions, MCQ’s and Important Questions
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  • Live online Doubts Sessions for resolution of Doubts
  • Mock Tests at the Website
  • Video Lectures Cover Theory Portions Exchaustively + Complete Solutions of Back Questions of readings + Solutions of Previous Years Papers + Large Number of Numericals

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Course Content

Unit I

Chapter 1 : Economics Issues & Concepts

Duration of Lectures : 130 Minutes

Topics Covered

►The Complexity of Modern Economy,

►Resources & Capacity,


►Government & Market Economy,

Chapter 2 : How Economists Work

Duration of Lectures : 55 Minutes

Topics Covered

►Positive & Normative Statements,

►Production Possibility Frontier,

►Opportunity Costs,

Chapter 3 : Demand & Supply

Duration of Lectures : 121 Minutes

Topics Covered

►Demand, Law of Demand, Factors Affecting Demand,

►Supply, Law of Supply, Factors Affecting Supply,


Chapter 4 : Market Failure

Duration of Lectures : 132 Minutes

Topics Covered

►Public Goods,


►Asymmetric Information,

Chapter 3 : Market Forces [112 Minutes]

Based Upon Mankiw Chapter 4

4.1 Demand  [49 Minutes]

4.2 Supply  [40 Minutes]

4.3 Equilibrium Point  [23 Minutes]

Chapter 4 : Elasticity & Its Applications [133 Minutes]

Based Upon Mankiw Chapter 5

5.1 Price Elasticity of Demand  [57 Minutes]

5.2 Income Elasticity of Demand  [31 Minutes]

5.3 Elasticity of Supply  [45 Minutes]

Chapter 5 : Consumer Surplus [28 Minutes]

Based Upon Browning & Zupan Chapter 4

5.1 Consumer Surplus  [28 Minutes]

Unit II

Chapter 6 : Budget Constraint [218 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 2

6.1 Budget Line [58 Minutes]

6.2 Budget Line [38 Minutes]

6.3 Kink in the Budget Line  [40 Minutes]

6.4 Food Stamp  [15 Minutes]

6.5 Budget Line Numericals  [34 Minutes]

6.6 Budget Line Numericals [16 Minutes]

6.7 Food Stamp Program Numericals  [17 Minutes] 

Chapter 7 : Preferences [213 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 3

7.1 Preferences [38 Minutes]

7.2 Indifference Curves [43 Minutes]

7.3 Goods, Bads & Neutrals [30 Minutes]

7.4 Well Behaved Preferences  [30 Minutes]

7.5 Lexicographic Preferences  [7 Minutes]

7.6 Problems & Solutions  [23 Minutes]

7.7 Numericals  [42 Minutes]

Chapter 8 : Utility [150 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 4

8.1 Utility Functions  [36 Minutes]

8.2 Utility Functions  [49 Minutes]

8.3 Utility Problems & Solutions  [21 Minutes]

8.4 Utility Problems & Solutions  [44 Minutes]

Chapter 9 : Choice [319 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 5

9.1 Choice  [47 Minutes]

9.2 Choice  [42 Minutes]

9.3 Choice Numericals  [77 Minutes]

9.4 Choice (quasi linear)  [47 Minutes]

9.5 Kinked Budget Line  [12 Minutes]

9.6 Choice (kinked IC)  [53 Minutes]

9.7 Perfect Substitutes  [17 Minutes]

9.8 Choosing Taxes  [24 Minutes]

9.9 Indirect Utility Function [22 Minutes]

Chapter 10 : Demand [268 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 6

10.1 Demand  [34 Minutes]

10.2 Engel Curve  [122 Minutes]

10.3 Demand Curves  [112 Minutes]

10.4 Concave Preferences [18 Minutes]

Chapter 11 : Revealed Preference [111 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 7

11.1 Revealed Preference  [79 Minutes]

11.2 Numericals  [32 Minutes]

Chapter 12 : Slutsky Equation [478 Minutes]

Based Upon Hal Varian Chapter 8

12.1 Slutsky Equation  [82 Minutes]

12.2 Slutsky Equation  [116 Minutes]

12.3 Slutsky Equation  [127 Minutes]

12.4 Compensated Demand Curve  [19 Minutes]

12.5 Slutsky Numerical [38 Minutes]

12.6 Slutsky Numerical [36 Minutes]

12.7 Slutsky Numerical [39 Minutes]

12.8 Slutsky Numerical [21 Minutes]

Unit III

Chapter 13 : Production [172 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 5

13.1 Production  [43 Minutes]

13.2 Production  [30 Minutes]

13.3 Production Function  [60 Minutes]

13.4 Returns to Scale  [39 Minutes]

Unit IV

Chapter 13 : Cost of Production [478 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 6

13.1 Cost Functions  [40 Minutes]

13.2 Cost Functions  [30 Minutes]

13.3 Cost in the Long Run  [35 Minutes]

13.4 Economies of Scale  [35 Minutes]

Unit V

Chapter 14 : Perfect Competition [131 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 7

14.1 Perfect Competition [44 Minutes]

14.2 Short Run Supply [7 Minutes]

14.3 Long Run Equilibrium [44 Minutes]

14.4 Long Run Industry Supply [36 Minutes]

Chapter 15 : Revealed Preference [205 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 9

15.1 Monopoly [77 Minutes]

15.2 Inverse Elasticity Rule  [25 Minutes]

15.3 Sources of Monopoly Power [25 Minutes]

15.4 DWL of Monopoly [65 Minutes]

15.5 Competition Vs Monopoly [13 Minutes]

Chapter 16 : Pricing with Market Power [121 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 10

16.1 Price Discrimination [87 Minutes]

16.2 Two Part Tariff [34 Minutes]

Chapter 17 : Monopolistic Competition [60 Minutes]

Based Upon Pindyck Chapter 11

17.1 Monopolistic Competition [48 Minutes]

17.2 Monopolistic Vs Perfect Competition  [12 Minutes]