CUET MA Economics Entrance

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Online Coaching for CUET MA Economics Entrance

Join Online Video Classes by Prime Academy for CUET PG Economics Entrance Examination. The Video Classes are prepared by Mr. Dheeraj Suri, an expert faculty teaching Economics for over 25 years.

Registration for CUET PG Economics Entrance coaching for 2025 Examination is now open. For Class Room Coaching and/or Online Coaching for MA Economics Entrance Exam Join PRIME ACADEMY, under the Expert guidance of Mr. Dheeraj Suri.

Recorded Lectures : We provide Pre Recorded Video Lectures for all the Subjects and they will be made available for viewing through our your login account on the website..

Live Lectures : For Doubts Solving Lectures will be conducted live via our online platform. We provide link for Live class to our students. The students can interact wilh us just like in the face to face class room. Students can join our live lectures from their computer, tablet or smartphone.

Study Material : Students will get exhaustive study material in PDF form for all subjects.

Mock Tests : Students will get Mock tests for all the subjects and for DSE, JNU & ISI.

What we offer :-

  • Exhaustive Video Classes covering Mathematical Methods, Statistical Methods, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Econometrics, Development Economics, International Economics and Indian Economy.
  • Video Classes for Solutions of Past Year Papers of DSE, JNU & ISI
  • PDF notes which include Concepts, Theoretical Portions, Numerical Problems and MCQ’s for all of these subjects.
  • Discussion Forum in your Login Account at the website for query resolution.
  • Live Online Interactive Sessions for Doubts Solving.
  • Exhaustive Online Mock Tests. Mock Tests are in three levels
  1. For each chapter of each subject
  2. For each subject covering entire syllabus of such subject.
  3. Tests for all the subjects taken together.

All Study Material Including Notes, Question Bank, MCQ’s, Past Year Papers will be provided Online. No need to Purchase any thing Separately.

Our Specialities

  • Highly Experienced Faculty (Teaching for more than 20 years)
  • Exhaustive Coverage of Topics in the Video Lectures
  • Focus on Concept Building
  • Large Number of Problem Solving in the Video Classes
  • In-depth, Updated, Exhaustive and Well Prepared Notes
  • Topic Wise Question Banks including Theoretical Questions, Numerical Problems and Multiple Choice Questions.

Contents of our Course

SubjectsVideo LecturesContent
Mathematical Methods120 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Statistical Methods60 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Micro Economics150 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Macro Economics100 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Econometrics60 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Development Economics20 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
International Economics20 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Public Economics30 HoursVideo Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
Indian Economy15 Hours Video Lectures + Study Material PDF + Mock Tests
CUET Previous Year Papers Solution30 HoursVideo Lectures + Mock Tests
DSE Previous Year Papers Solution30 HoursVideo Lectures + Mock Tests
JNU (SSS) Previous Year Papers Solution30 HoursVideo Lectures + Mock Tests
JNU (SIS) Previous Year Papers Solution30 HoursVideo Lectures + Mock Tests
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Micro Economics:

  • Consumer Theory or Behaviour: Demand, Utility, Indifference Curve, Revealed Preference Theory, Consumer Surplus
  • Production Theory: Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to Scale, Cost Function, types and concepts
  • Price and Output determination in Market: Perfect and Imperfect Competition (Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Monopolistic, Duopoly and Oligopoly models) General Equilibrium, Efficiency and Welfare: Equilibrium and efficiency under pure exchange and production; overall efficiency and welfare economics, externality

Macro Economics:

  • National Income Accounting
  • Income and Output Determination: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, Effective Demand Principle, Classical and Keynesian Theory

Money and Inflation:

  • Demand and Supply of Money, Money Multiplier and High Powered Money, Credit Creation, Role of Reserve Bank of India and Commercial Banks, Quantitative Theories of Money, Philip’s Curve
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy of India and its role.

Consumption and Investment Functions:

  • Permanent, Relative and Life Cycle Hypothesis, determinants of business fixed investment; residential investment and inventory investment, Multiplier and Accelerator
  • Open Economy Models: Mundell and Fleming Model (IS, LM and BP curve) , Balance of Payments, exchange rate determination, Purchasing Power Parity
  • Economic Growth: Harrod-Domar Model, Solow Model

Statistical Methods in Economics:

  • Mean, Mode, Median, Dispersion, Skewness, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation
  • Correlation
  • Simple Regression Model Probability Distribution Sampling

Mathematical Methods in Economics:

  • Sets and Vector
  • Functions of one and several real variable Single and Multi variable optimization Integration of functions
  • Difference equations
  • Determinants Matrix
  • Linear Programming Probability
  • Differential Equations

Indian Economy:

Overview of Colonial Economy:

  • Macro Trends: National Income; population; occupational structure.
  • Agriculture: Agrarian structure and land relations; agricultural markets and institutions – credit, commerce and technology; trends in performance and productivity; famines. Railways and Industry: Railways; the de-industrialisation debate; evolution of entrepreneurial and industrial structure; nature of industrialisation in the interwar period; constraints to industrial breakthrough; labour relations.
  • Economy and State in the Imperial Context
  • The imperial priorities and the Indian economy; drain of wealth; international trade, capital
  • Flows and the colonial economy – changes and continuities; government and fiscal policy.
  • New Economic Policy:
  • Public Economics: Public and Private Goods, Externalities, Budget, Deficits, Public Debt, Fiscal Federalism in India,
  • Taxation: its economic effects; dead weight loss and distortion, efficiency and equity considerations, tax incidence, optimal taxation.
  • International Trade Theories: Adam Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin model and New Trade Theories