Intermediate Macro Economics – I [ECON 008]

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►Intermediate Micro Eco I

►Intermediate Macro Eco I

►Advanced Mathematical Methods

►GE – Differential Equations

►GE – LPP & Game Theory

►GE – Theory of Public Finance [ECON 061]

►GE – Money & Banking [ECON 062]

The Intermediate Macro Economics – I (ECON 008) Course for BA (Hons) Economics Semester III, UGCF 2024, Delhi University has been taught by Mr. Dheeraj Suri. The Video Lectures are based upon the books prescribed by the University of Delhi. The Duration of Video Lectures is approximately 50 Hours.

Course Fee : Rs. 7,000

Access of Video Lectures is provided on any one of the following devices:

Windows Computer or Laptop, or

Android Phone or Tablet, or

Apple Iphone or Ipad, or

Apple Macbook,

till end of Semester III Exams.

Once You get the access you need to login and download our APP and all the lectures from your login account and play in your device.

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►Full Course Video Lectures

Video Lectures Cover Theory Portions Exhaustively + Complete Solutions of Back Questions of Readings + Solutions of Previous Years Papers + Large Number of Numericals

Complete Study Material (PDF Notes) which includes Concepts, Previous Year Questions, Numerical Questions, MCQ’s and Important Questions

Live Online Doubts Sessions with Expert Faculty (at least twice a week) for resolution of Doubts

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Mock Tests at the Website for regular assessment and progress tracking

Comprehensive Coverage of Syllabus and Exam Oriented Preperation

This online coaching platform aims to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment for students to achieve academic success and excel in their Economics Honours program.

Demo Lectures

Course Introduction

Chapter 1 : Labour

Labour Lecture #1
Labour Lecture #2
Labour Lecture #3

Chapter 6 : Expectations

Expectations Lecture #1

These Lectures are Only for Demo.

For Complete Course Video Lectures You Need to Subscribe Our Course

Demo PDF of Study Material

Demo PDF of Study Material


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For Complete PDF Notes of Intermediate Macro Economics-I, You need to subscribe our course.

Contact us at +91 9899192027

Demo Quiz

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Time Allowed for this Test is 15 Minutes

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Labour Test #1

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
2. You are not Allowed to edit your answers after submission.
3. The Paper has Fifteen Questions
4. Time Allowed is 15 Minutes.
5. It is necessary to enter your valid Email id to attempt this test.


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1 / 15

Which of the following are not counted in the labour force

2 / 15

The unemployment rate tends to be high in recessions, low in expansions.

3 / 15

Suppose that the firms markup over costs is 5%, and the wage setting equation is W = P(1 – u), where u is the unemployment rate.

What is the real wage as determined by the price setting equation?

4 / 15

Who can be considered as unemployed

5 / 15

Powerful labor unions will decrease the natural rate of unemployment.

6 / 15

When unemployment rate is high, most workers are typically getting their reservation wage.

7 / 15

Consider the wage-setting and price-setting equations we studied in class. Suppose the markup, µ, equals 0.25, and F(u, z) = 1 - u. What is the natural rate of unemployment in this economy?

8 / 15

The natural rate of unemployment is likely to rise if:

9 / 15

Workers are worse off during high Unemployment because it

10 / 15

Suppose that the firms markup over costs is 5%, and the wage setting equation is W = P(1 – u), where u is the unemployment rate.

What is the natural rate of unemployment?

11 / 15

It may be in the best interest of employers to pay wages higher than their  workers reservation wage.

12 / 15

Wages are usually below the reservation wage in Europe because the unemployment rate in Europe is so high.

13 / 15

The average duration of unemployment is

14 / 15

The natural rate of unemployment is unaffected by policy changes.

15 / 15

Workers who do not belong to unions have no bargaining power.

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1 votes, 5 avg

Time Allowed for this Test is 15 Minutes

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Labour Test #2

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
2. You are not Allowed to edit your answers after submission.
3. The Paper has Fifteen Questions
4. Time Allowed is 15 Minutes.
5. It is necessary to enter your valid Email id to attempt this test.


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1 / 15

Which of the following best describes the wage-setting relation?

2 / 15

Which of the following is NOT included in the labour force?

3 / 15

Which of the following groups is typically excluded from the official labour force statistics?

4 / 15

What is cyclical unemployment?

5 / 15

Generally which of the following group has the highest labor force participation rate?

6 / 15

What is frictional unemployment?

7 / 15

In the context of wage setting, what is the "reservation wage"?

8 / 15

The natural rate of unemployment depends on all of the following except : 

9 / 15

Which of the following measures the percentage of the labour force that is unemployed? 

10 / 15

What is the labor force participation rate?

11 / 15

The term "underemployment" refers to:

12 / 15

What is the labour force participation rate?

13 / 15

Structural unemployment occurs when:

14 / 15

Which of the following event increases natural rate of unemployment?

15 / 15

What is a reason for the decline in labor force participation among older workers?

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Time Allowed for this Test is 15 Minutes

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Labour Test #3

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
2. You are not Allowed to edit your answers after submission.
3. The Paper has Fifteen Questions
4. Time Allowed is 15 Minutes.
5. It is necessary to enter your valid Email id to attempt this test.


To Get Full Course Video Lectures of Macro Economics Please Whatsapp Your Details at
+91 9899 192027

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1 / 15

Which of the following factors can influence the labor participation rate?

2 / 15

A country with a high labor force participation rate is likely to have:

3 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a challenge to measuring the labor force participation rate?

4 / 15

What is the labor participation rate?

5 / 15

Which of the following policies is likely to increase the labor force participation rate?

6 / 15

An aging population is likely to cause:

7 / 15

The labor force participation rate can be used to:

8 / 15

Which of the following groups typically has a lower labor participation rate?

9 / 15

Government policies aimed at providing childcare subsidies are likely to:

10 / 15

The hidden unemployment rate is:

11 / 15

Who is considered part of the labor force?

12 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a determinant of labor force participation?

13 / 15

A country with a high youth unemployment rate is likely to have:

14 / 15

A recession is likely to cause:

15 / 15

An increase in the labor participation rate indicates:

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The average score is 80%


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These tests are only for Demo. For Complete Mock Test Series of Intermediate Macro Economics-I, You need to subscribe our course.

Contact us at +91 9899192027

Exam Pattern

The Question Paper will be of 90 Marks

1. Semester-end Examination: 90 marks

The question paper will have roughly equal weightage from all three units.

The paper will consist of three sections of 30 marks each:

►Section A will have 15 MCQs/one-line-answer questions of 2 marks each, with no choiceof any kind

►In Section B students will be required to do any 6 out 8 questions of 5 marks each.

►In Section C students will be required to do any 3 out of 4 questions of 10 marks each.

2. Internal Assessment (IA): 30 marks

►6 marks will be for attendance

►24 marks will be based on at least two tests of 12 marks each.

3. Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 marks

►5 marks will be for attendance

►35 marks will be based on assignments/tests or any other mode of assessment as suggested by the University

Course Content of Our Video Lectures

Lectures are as per Latest Syllabus for UGCF 2024

Unit I : Short Run and Medium Run Equilibrium

Chapter 1 : Labour Markets

Duration of Video Lectures : 145 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 4

Based Upon Chapter 6 Olivier Blanchard

Topics Covered

►Meaning of Labour Force, Unemployment, Labour Force Participation Rate,

►Wage & Price Determination,

►Wage Setting & Price Setting Relation,

►The Natural Rate of Unemployment,

Chapter 2 : Aggregate Supply

Duration of Video Lectures : 199 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 2

Based Upon Chapter 7 Olivier Blanchard

Topics Covered

►Derivation of Aggregate Supply Curve, Properties of Aggregate Supply Curve,

►Derivation of Aggregate Demand Curve, Properties of Aggregate Demand Curve,

►Equilibrium in Short Run & Medium Run,

►Effects of Demand & Supply Shocks,

Unit – II : Philips Curve and Theory of Expectations

Chapter 3 : Phillips Curve

Duration of Video Lectures : 142 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 2

Based Upon Chapter 8 Olivier Blanchard

Topics Covered

►Relation Between Inflation, Expected Inflation & Unemployment,

►The Phillips Curve,

►The Modified Phillips Curve,

►Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU),

►Variations in Natural Rates Across Countries & Over Time,

►Wage Indexation,

Chapter 4 : Okun’s Law

Duration of Video Lectures : 170 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 3

Based Upon Chapter 9 Olivier Blanchard

Topics Covered

►Okun’s Law, Phillips Curve & Aggregate Demand Relation,

►Short Run & Medium Run Effects of Money Growth,

►Disinflation, Sacrifice Ratio,

►Expectations and Credibility : The Lucas Critique,

►Nominal Rigidities and Wage Contracts,

Chapter 5 : Nominal & Real Interest Rate

Duration of Video Lectures : 50 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 1

Based Upon Chapter 14.1 Olivier Blanchard

Topics Covered


►Nominal & Real Interest Rate & IS-LM Curves,

Chapter 6 : Expectations

Duration of Video Lectures : 145 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 2

Based Upon Attfield, Demery & Duck

Topics Covered

►Expectations Introduction,

►The Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis,

►The General Criticism of Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis,

►The Rational Expectations Hypothesis,

►The General Characteristics of Rational Expectations Hypothesis,

►The General Criticism of Rational Expectations Hypothesis,

Chapter 7 : Inflation & Unemployment

Duration of Video Lectures : 152 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 2

Based Upon Steven Sheffrin

Topics Covered

►Phillips Curve & Modified Phillips Curve,

►Lucas Account of Business Cycle,

►Signal Extraction Problem,

►Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition,

Unit – III : Micro Economic Foundations of Macroeconomic Behaviours

Chapter 8 : Consumption

Duration of Video Lectures : 250 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 5

Based Upon Chapter 12 Branson

Topics Covered

►Consumption Puzzle,

►Intertemporal Consumption Function,

►The Life Cycle Hypothesis,

►The Permanent Income Approach,

►The Rational Expectations,

Chapter 9 : Investment

Duration of Video Lectures : 120 Minutes

Number of Video Lectures : 6

Based Upon Chapter 17 Jones

Topics Covered

►Desired Capital Stock & rental Cost of Capital,

►Financial Investment,

►Tobin’s Q,

►Components of Investment,

Solutions of Previous Year Papers

Topics Covered

2023 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 120 Minutes

2022 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 120 Minutes

2021 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 110 Minutes

2020 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 100 Minutes

2019 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 100 Minutes

2018 Paper

Duration of Lectures : 120 Minutes

Syllabus for Intermediate Macro Economics – I as Prescribed by University of Delhi

DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC CORE COURSE -8 (DSC-8) : Intermediate Macroeconomics – I (Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination)

Course Description

Learning Objectives

The Learning Objectives of this course are as follows:

  • This course builds upon the basic concepts of macroeconomics. It introduces labour markets and
    the aggregate supply (AS) curve.
  • Aggregate Demand (AD) and Aggregate Supply (AS) are brought together to determine equilibrium
    prices and output examine the policy impacts.
  • The course discusses Phillips curve and the alleged trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
    Both adaptive and rational expectations are introduced.
  • A flavour of micro-foundations is introduced with respect to consumption and investment.

Learning Outcomes

The Learning outcomes of this course are as follows:

This course enables students to analyse the interaction of aggregate demand and supply and the effects of fiscal and monetary policy, trade-off between inflation and unemployment, and consumption and investment behaviour of the households.


UNIT I: Short-run and medium-run equilibrium (15 hours)
The labour market, Wage determination; wages, prices, and unemployment; natural rate of unemployment; from employment to output, Derivation of aggregate supply curve, Interaction of aggregate demand and supply to determine equilibrium output, price level and employment.
UNIT II: Philips Curve and Theory of Expectations (15 hours)
Inflation, unemployment and expectations, Phillips Curve; adaptive and rational expectations; policy ineffectiveness debate.
UNIT III: Microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic behaviours (15 hours)
Consumption: Keynesian consumption function; Fisher’s theory of optimal intertemporal choice; life-cycle and permanent income hypotheses; other theories of consumption expenditure. Investment: determinants of business fixed investment; residential investment and inventory investment.

Recommended readings

  • Blanchard, O. (2006). Macroeconomics, 4th ed. Pearson Education.
  • C.L.F. Attfield, D. Demery and N.W. Duck (1991). Rational Expectations in
    Macroeconomics: an introduction to theory and evidence2nd Ed.
  • Sheffrin, Steve (1996). Rational Expectations. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press.
  • Dornbusch, R., Fischer, S. (1994). Macroeconomics, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill.
  • Branson, W. (2013). Macroeconomics:Theory and policy, 3rd ed,EastWestPress.
  • Carlin, W and D Soskice (2007), Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies, Indian
    Edition, OUP.

On Payment of Fee we will create your account on our website & you need to login and download all the lectures & our APP through that login account

Payment Details

To purchase any course you need to transfer the amount either through Google Pay or PhonePe at 9811261671 or Paytm at 9899192027 or Transfer through net banking IMPS into the following account

Account Details

Dheeraj Suri

Saving Account Number


Axis Bank, Model Town Branch

Delhi – 110009

IFS Code : UTIB0000392

Payment App Details

GPay Number : +91 9811261671

PhonePe Number : +91 9811261671

Paytm Number : 9899192027

After transfer update us with payment details through Whatsapp at +91 9899192027

Economics (H) Semester III [ UGCF 2024 ]

Video Lectures, PDF Notes, Mock Tests & Live Doubt Sessions are offered for the following Subjects for BA (Hons) Economics Semester III, Delhi University

Economic History of India (ECON 031)

Fiscal Policy & Public Finance in India (ECON 034)

Theory of Public Finance (ECON 061)

Money & BankingI (ECON 062)

Introduction to Comparative Economic Development (ECON 064)

Principles of Microeconomics – II (ECON 027)

Differential Equations

LPP & Game Theory
