Introductory Macro Economics

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Introductory Macro Economics [ECON 004] for Economics (H) Semester II, University of Delhi

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Semester 2 Subjects

►Introductory Macro Economics

►Intermediate Mathematical Methods for Economics

►Intermediate Statistics for Economics

►GE Introductory Probability

Reading List of Introductory Macro Economics

The Introductory Macro Economics [ECON 004] Course for BA (Hons) Economics Semester II, Delhi University has been taught by Mr. Dheeraj Suri. The Video Lectures are based upon the books prescribed by the University of Delhi. The Duration of Video Lectures is approximately 30 Hours.

Access of Video Lectures is provided on any one of the following devices:

Windows Computer or Laptop, or

Android Phone or Tablet, or

Apple Iphone or Ipad, or

Apple Macbook,

till end of Semester II Exams.

Course Fee : Rs. 7000

Fee Structure :

Once You get the access you need to login and download our APP and all the lectures from your login account and play in your device.

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Video Lectures Cover Theory Portions Exhaustively + Complete Solutions of Back Questions of Readings + Solutions of Previous Years Papers + Large Number of Numericals

Comprehensive Coverage of Syllabus and Exam Oriented Preperation

This online coaching platform aims to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment for students to achieve academic success and excel in their Economics Honours program.

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Demo Quiz

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Quantity Theory of Money Test #1

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
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3. The Paper has ten Questions
4. Time Allowed is 10 Minutes.
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1 / 10

If the money supply is $3 trillion and nominal GDP is $12 trillion, the income velocity of money is :

2 / 10

If aggregate output is constant while the money supply and its velocity both double, the equation of exchange predicts that the price level will :

3 / 10

The Classical Quantity Theory of Money was based on assumptions that :

4 / 10

Velocity of money is : 

5 / 10

Quantity theory of money implies that :

6 / 10

Given the following information :

Quantity of Money (M) = Rs. 4,800

Nominal GDP = Rs. 96,000

Real GDP = Rs. 48,000

What is the Velocity of money in this country

7 / 10

Given the following information :

Quantity of Money (M) = Rs. 4,800

Nominal GDP = Rs. 96,000

Real GDP = Rs. 48,000

What is the Price Level

8 / 10

Consider the following statements

A : Fisher’s view that velocity is fairly constant in the short run transforms the equation of exchange into the quantity theory money, which states that nominal income is determined solely by movements in the quantity of money.

B : For the classical economists, the quantity theory of money provided an explanation of movements in the price level.


9 / 10

The equation of exchange states that

10 / 10

You are given the following data on an economy in 2001 and 2007:
2001              2007

Money Supply                      200                300

Real GDP                               100                 150   

Price Level                             10                     ?

The velocity of circulation is the same in both years.

According to the quantity theory of money what would be the value of the price level in 2007?


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Demo Lectures

Exam Pattern

The Question Paper will be of 90 Marks

Suggested weightage for each unit in the final examination

Unit I : 20 marks

Unit II : 20 marks

Unit III : 20 marks

Unit IV : 30 marks

Paper Pattern

The end Semester Exam of 90 Marks will comprise of Numericals and Other Questions.

On Payment of Fee we will create your account on our website & you need to login and download all the lectures & our APP through that login account

Payment Details

To purchase any course you need to transfer the amount either through Google Pay or PhonePe at 9811261671 or Paytm at 9899192027 or Transfer through net banking IMPS into the following account

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Dheeraj Suri

Saving Account Number


Axis Bank, Model Town Branch

Delhi – 110009

IFS Code : UTIB0000392

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GPay Number : +91 9811261671

PhonePe Number : +91 9811261671

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After transfer update us with payment details through Whatsapp at +91 9899192027

Course Content of Our Video Lectures

Lectures are as per Latest Syllabus for 2025 UGCF

Unit – 1 : Introduction of Macro Economics and National Income Accounting

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Macroeconomics

Duration of Video Lectures : 110 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 1 Abel, Bernanke & Croushore

Topics Covered

1.1 ►Macroeconomics, Long Run Economic Growth, Business Cycles, Labour Force, Unemployment, Types of Unemployment, Inflation, Nominal and Real Interest Rate,

1.2 ►Open & Closed Economy, Macro Economic Policy, Positive & Normative Economics, Classical’s Versus Keynesians

Chapter 2 : National Income Accounting

Duration of Video Lectures : 190 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 2 Abel, Bernanke & Croushore

Topics Covered

2.1 ►National Income Accounting : The Measurement of Production, Income and Expenditure

2.2 ►Gross Domestic Product, GNP Versus GDP, The Expenditure Approach to Measuring GDP, The Income Approach to Measuring GDP,

2.3 ►Saving and Wealth, Private Saving, Government Saving & National Saving,

2.4 ►Real GDP, Price Indexes and Inflation,

2.5 ►Interest Rates,

Chapter 3 : Balance of Payment

Duration of Video Lectures : 44 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 5.1 Abel, Bernanke & Croushore

Topics Covered

3.1 ►Balance of Payments Accounting, The Current Account, The Capital & Financial Account, The Official Settlements Account, Net Foreign Assets and Balance of Payments Accounts

Chapter 4 : Economic Survey

Duration of Video Lectures : 60 Minutes

Based Upon Economic Survey 2022-23

Topics Covered

4.1 ►Basic Concepts of National Accounts Aggregates

Unit – 2 : Money

Chapter 5 : Money

Duration of Video Lectures : 77 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 7.1 Abel, Bernanke & Croushore

Topics Covered

5.1 ►Definition of Money, Functions of Money, Types of Money, Properties of Money,

5.2 ►Monetary Aggregates

Chapter 6 : Quantity Theory of Money

Duration of Video Lectures : 71 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 4.1 Froyen

Topics Covered

6.1 ►The Equation of Exchange, Implications of QTM, QTM Numericals

6.2 ►Cambridge Approach to Quantity Theory,

6.3 ►The Classical Aggregate Demand Curve,

Chapter 7 : Financial Markets

Duration of Video Lectures : 202 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 4 Blanchard

Topics Covered

7.1 ►The Demand for Money, Factors Affecting Money Demand,

7.2 ►Determining the Interest Rate, Open Market Operations, Relation Between Price of Bond and Interest Rate,

7.3 ►Financial Intermediaries, Balance Sheet of Banks, Demand and Supply of Central Bank Money,

7.4 ►Money Multiplier, High Powered Money, Numerical Problems

Unit – 3 : Simple Theory of Income determination

Chapter 8 : Classical Macroeconomics

Duration of Video Lectures : 65 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 3 Froyen

Topics Covered

8.1 ►Classical Revolution, Aggregate Demand,

8.2 ►Production Functions, Marginal Product of Labour,

8.3 ►Employment, Labour Demand & Labour Supply,

8.4 ►Equilibrium Output and Employment, the Classical Aggregate Supply Curve,

Chapter 9 : Classical Macroeconomics

Duration of Video Lectures : 65 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 4 Froyen

Topics Covered

9.1 ►Classical Aggregate Demand Curve,

9.2 ►The Classical Theory of Interest Rate,

9.3 ►Policy Implications of Classical Equilibrium Model, Fiscal Policy & Monetary Policy

Chapter 10 : Income & Spending

Duration of Video Lectures : 117 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 9 Dornbusch, Fischer & Startz

Topics Covered

10.1 ►Aggregate Demand and Equilibrium Output,

10.2 ►The Consumption Function & Aggregate Demand,

10.3 ►The Multiplier in Two Sector Economy,

10.4 ►Equilibrium Output and the Multiplier in Three Sector Economy,

10.5 ►The Budget, The Full Employment Budget Surplus

Unit – 4 : IS-LM Analysis and Aggregate Demand

Chapter 11 : IS – LM Model

Duration of Video Lectures : 230 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 10 Dornbusch, Fischer & Startz

Topics Covered

11.1 ►The Goods Market and the IS Curve, Graphical & Algebraic Derivation of the IS Curve, Slope of IS Curve, Shifts in the IS Curve,

11.2 ►The Money Market and the LM Curve, Graphical & Algebraic Derivation of the LM Curve, Slope of LM Curve, Shifts in the LM Curve,

11.3 ►Simultaneous Equilibrium in the Goods and the Money Market,

11.4 ►Deriving the Aggregate Demand Schedule, Fiscal Policy Multiplier & Monetary Policy Multiplier

Chapter 12 : Monetary & Fiscal Policy

Duration of Video Lectures : 304 Minutes

Based Upon Chapter 11 Dornbusch, Fischer & Startz

Topics Covered

12.1 ► Monetary Policy, The Transmission Mechanism, The Liquidity Trap, The Classical Case,

12.2 ► Fiscal Policy & Crowding Out, Effect of Expansionary Fiscal Policy under Liquidity Trap and Under Classical Case, Accommodating Monetary Policy,

12.3 ► Policy Mix,

End of Syllabus

Exam Pattern

The Question Paper will be of 90 Marks

Suggested weightage for each unit in the final examination

Unit I : 20 marks

Unit II : 20 marks

Unit III : 20 marks

Unit IV : 30 marks

Paper Pattern

The end Semester Exam of 90 Marks will comprise of Numericals and Other Questions.

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