Intermediate Statistics for Economics

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Intermediate Statistics for Economics for Economics (H) Semester II, University of Delhi

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Reading List of Intermediate Statistics for Economics

The Intermediate Statistics for Economics Course for BA (Hons) Economics Semester II, Delhi University has been taught by Mr. Dheeraj Suri. The Video Lectures are based upon the books prescribed by the University of Delhi. The Duration of Video Lectures is approximately 50 Hours.

Access of Video Lectures is provided on any one of the following devices:

Windows Computer or Laptop, or

Android Phone or Tablet, or

Apple Iphone or Ipad, or

Apple Macbook,

till end of Semester II Exams.

Course Fee : Rs. 7000

Fee Structure :

Once You get the access you need to login and download our APP and all the lectures from your login account and play in your device.

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Complete Study Material (PDF Notes) which includes Concepts, Previous Year Questions, Numerical Questions, MCQ’s and Important Questions

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Video Lectures Cover Theory Portions Exhaustively + Complete Solutions of Back Questions of Readings + Solutions of Previous Years Papers + Large Number of Numericals

Comprehensive Coverage of Syllabus and Exam Oriented Preperation

This online coaching platform aims to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment for students to achieve academic success and excel in their Economics Honours program.

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Demo Quiz

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Sampling Test #1

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
2. You are not Allowed to edit your answers after submission.
3. The Paper has ten Questions
4. Time Allowed is 10 Minutes.
5. It is necessary to enter your valid Email id to attempt this test.


To Get Full Course Video Lectures of Statistical Methods Please Whatsapp Your Details at
+91 9899 192027

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1 / 10

Any statistical measure which is computed from population data is known as

2 / 10

Which of the following is not a method of Random Sampling

3 / 10

A process of generalizing the results and findings from the sample survey and makes them applicable to every field of enquiry

4 / 10

The part of population which is examined with a view to estimate the characteristics of that population is called

5 / 10

In statistical language, the study of the aggregate of the objects is called

6 / 10

Suppose the population consists of only three individuals and the values of the variable x are as follows : x1 = 6, x2 = 9, x3 = 12.

All possible samples of size 2 are listed and mean of all such samples is computed. what is the mean of such means

7 / 10

A population consists of the numbers 12, 14 and 16. How many samples (with replacement) of size two which can be drawn from the population ?

8 / 10

A population consists of the numbers 12, 14 and 16. How many samples (without Replacement) of size two which can be drawn from the population ?

9 / 10

Consider the following Statements :

I : The probability distribution of a sample statistic is often called the sampling distribution of the statistic

II : Every statistic has a sampling distribution

10 / 10

Any statistical measure which is computed from sample data is known as

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1 votes, 5 avg

Time Allowed for this Test is 20 Minutes

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Created by Dheeraj Suriadmin

Non-Parametric Tests Test #1

1. Please Read the Questions and all the options Carefully, Before Selecting Your Choice.
2. You are not Allowed to edit your answers after submission.
3. The Paper has twenty Questions
4. Time Allowed is 20 Minutes.
5. It is necessary to enter your valid Email id to attempt this test.


To Get Full Course Video Lectures of Statistical Methods Please Whatsapp Your Details at
+91 9899 192027

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1 / 20

Which of the following is a non-parametric test used to compare two independent groups?

2 / 20

Which non-parametric test is used to assess the strength and direction of association between two ranked variables?

3 / 20

The Spearman rank correlation coefficient is used to measure the relationship between:

4 / 20

Which non-parametric test is used as an alternative to the one-way ANOVA when the assumptions of ANOVA are not met?

5 / 20

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used to determine:

6 / 20

What is the primary advantage of using non-parametric tests over parametric tests?

7 / 20

Which test is used to compare the central tendency of two paired samples when the data does not follow a normal distribution?

8 / 20

Which of the following is a non-parametric test for determining if two samples come from the same distribution?

9 / 20

When assumptions of normality are not met, which test can be used as an alternative to the paired t-test?

10 / 20

Which of the following tests is used to compare the ranks of three or more related groups?

11 / 20

Which non-parametric test is used to evaluate the difference between the expected and observed frequencies in categorical data?

12 / 20

The Chi-square test of independence is most appropriate for which type of data?

13 / 20

Which of the following non-parametric tests can be used to determine if there is a significant difference between the medians of two related samples?

14 / 20

Which test is used to assess whether there is a significant difference between the ranks of two related groups?

15 / 20

The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used to compare:

16 / 20

Which non-parametric test is appropriate for testing the equality of medians among more than two related groups?

17 / 20

Which non-parametric test is used to test the association between two categorical variables?

18 / 20

Which non-parametric test would be most appropriate for testing the differences among more than two independent groups?

19 / 20

Which non-parametric test is used to determine whether there is a significant association between two ordinal variables?

20 / 20

In which situation would you use the McNemar test?

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For Complete Mock Test Series of Intermediate Statistics for Economics, You need to subscribe our course.

Contact us at +91 9899192027

Demo Lectures

Course Introduction
Central Limit Theorem
Confidence Interval Lecture #1

Exam Pattern

The Question Paper will be of 90 Marks

Suggested weightage for each unit in the final examination

Unit I : 20 marks

Unit II : 30 marks

Unit III + Unit IV : 40 marks

Paper Pattern

All questions in Units 1 and 2 would be compulsory. There would be two questions in each of these units.

►Units 3 and 4 would together have 3 questions, of which students would be
required to do 2 questions.

►There would be a limited number of sub-parts per question. No sub-part would be less than 5 marks and if a sub-part had more than 5 marks, the marks would be in multiples of 5.

Essential Reading :

Devore, J. (2012). Probability and statistics for engineers, 8th ed. Cengage Learning.

Supplementary Reading :

Hogg, R., Tanis, E., Zimmerman, D. (2021) Probability and Statistical inference, 10TH Edition, Pearson

Larsen, R., Marx, M. (2011). An introduction to mathematical statistics and its applications. Prentice Hall.

Miller, I., Miller, M. (2017). J. Freund’s mathematical statistics with applications, 8th ed. Pearson.

Anderson, D. R, Sweeny, D. J, et. al (2019), Statistics for Business and Economics, 13th edition, Cengage Learning.

Jan Kmenta (1997), Elements of Econometrics, 2nd ed. Macmillan publishing; New York and Collier Macmillan; London.

On Payment of Fee we will create your account on our website & you need to login and download all the lectures & our APP through that login account

Payment Details

To purchase any course you need to transfer the amount either through Google Pay or PhonePe at 9811261671 or Paytm at 9899192027 or Transfer through net banking IMPS into the following account

Account Details

Dheeraj Suri

Saving Account Number


Axis Bank, Model Town Branch

Delhi – 110009

IFS Code : UTIB0000392

Payment App Details

GPay Number : +91 9811261671

PhonePe Number : +91 9811261671

Paytm Number : 9899192027

After transfer update us with payment details through Whatsapp at +91 9899192027

Course Content of Our Video Lectures

Lectures are as per Latest Syllabus for 2025 UGCF

Unit 1 : Sampling Distribution of a Statistic

Chapter 1 : Sampling

Duration of Lectures : 443 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 5 (Section 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5)

Topics Covered


►Statistics & Their Distributions, Statistic & Parameter

►The Distribution of the Sample Mean, Sampling Distributions

►Central Limit Theorem

►The Distribution of a Linear Combination

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

Unit 2 : Estimation

Chapter 2 : Point Estimation

Duration of Lectures : 307 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 6;

Topics Covered

►Point Estimate

►Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator

►Standard Error of Estimator

►Maximum Likelihood Estimator

►Method of Moments

►Properties of Estimators

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

Chapter 3 : Confidence Interval

Duration of Lectures : 230 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 7;

Topics Covered

►Properties of a Confidence Interval

►Confidence Interval of a Single Mean for Large & Small Samples

►Confidence Interval of Proportion

►Confidence Interval of Variance

►Chi-Square and F Distribution

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

Unit 3 : Inference

Chapter 4 : Inference

Duration of Lectures : 120 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 8.1;

Topics Covered

►Meaning of Statistical Hypothesis

►Errors in Hypothesis Testing

►Type 1 & Type 2 Errors

►Power of a Test

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

Unit 4 : Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 5 : Hypothesis Testing

Duration of Lectures : 240 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 8.2 – 8.5;

Topics Covered

►Testing of a Population Mean for Large Samples

►Testing of a Population Mean for Small Samples

►Testing of a Population Proportion for Large Samples

►Testing of a Population Proportion for Small Samples

►Hypothesis Testing for Variance

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

Chapter 6 : Two Sample Tests

Duration of Lectures : 270 Minutes

Based Upon J L Devore Chapter 9

Topics Covered

►Testing Equality of Means for Two Large Samples

►Testing of Equality of Means for Two Small Samples

►Testing for Ratio of Variances

►Questions from Recent Eco (H) Examinations

►Back Questions of Readings

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